Dear Hawaii,
When we leave in December we will miss you. What we will absolutely NOT miss are the cockroaches that would like to call our apartment home. For future residents of Hawaii we think it would be very considerate of you to teach cockroaches that they should remain outside at all times, or better yet, that they should go swim or fly to some uninhabited island in the Pacific and become extinct. Even though they are harmless we do not appreciate finding roaches in our cabinets, behind our oven, in our toaster, on our walls, or skittering across the ground! So PLEASE TELL THEM TO LEAVE! Thank you,
Seriously though, we have scrubbed, cleaned, and sanitized everything we can, placed about 10 poison containers out, and we keep all the food sealed, but nevertheless they keep coming back. Big ones, little ones, you name it! We kill them last thing at night and sometimes first thing in the morning. Oh, and they have taken a liking to our car as well. AGH! They drive us crazy, but soon enough they will be gone along with our beach, the beautiful weather, and everything that comes with Hawaii, so for now we will just try to enjoy life and ignore them and stop keeping a head count (about 20 since we have been back). :) Roaches...we loathe you.
All right, so here are some much cuter, less roach-y picutres! Saya and Tayden are pretty much best friends. They get so excited every time they see each other. They wave and even attempt to say each other's names. Saya is "Yaya" and Tayden is "Ayyen." These kiddos are too cute!
Tayden is still our beach boy. He now charges at the waves without any fear at all, but don't worry my eyes are glued to him every second.
We visit the PCC about once a week. Taydster loves it! I love watching all of the Asians taking pictures this little blonde hair, blue eyed boy. :) They love him and his cute belly. He got a REAL tattoo this week! Ha ya right. It started coming off with his sweat. If only he were a little more tan with a little bit darker hair he could almost pass as Polynesian. He is nice and thick, he grunts, he always sticks his tongue out, he has a tattoo, but his is %100 white. Sorry dude.
Here he is with Kap (the Samoan Chief). We think he likes him ;) Here he is showing off his tat.
Tyler is still doing great in school and working hard.
I actually got to go surfing with Maddie yesterday for the first time in forever! It was so fun! Tyler and Tayden had a boy's day out and Maddie's husband watched her 3 month old. We loved soaking up the sun and just being out in the water without having to pay all of our attention to the kids, but it was great to come home and be with my boys again. We are loving life.