So much has happened since the last time I wrote anything, but summer is definitely here for us!!!
Tyler finished school!!!! This picture was right after his last final. He came home and took a much needed nap on the floor by Tayden.
His new blocks from a friend that moved away. All we can say is that this is going to be
great blackmail later on.
We are now on a trip to the big island (Hawaii) and we are loving it! We have been here a week and head home tomorrow. I will write a blog or two more because we have so many pictures!

Tayden tried his first food not from a jar...fresh papaya
We found our favorite bakery in the world!!! It has malasadas (special donuts) with passion fruit frosting!!! AMAZING!!!
It is the "Southernmost Bakery in the USA!!!"
So Tayden didn't actually eat anything but we thought it was funny :)
This is the volcano steam vent.
Tayden loved going on walks and playing with daddy.
We love waterfalls,
we love our Tayden, |
and he loves his turtle!!!

This is a before and after shot at the beach.
Before: no sand on the mouth. After: whole body (including inside of mouth) covered with sand!He loved it!
Tayden found himself in the mirror :)
We have other great news...Tyler got an internship for the whole summer with a company in boise!!! We are so excited!!! He is really excited to get some experience and take a few months off of school. Look for more pictures in the next few days :)