Someone found my colored pencils :)
His first attempt at 'smile.'
Words Tayden says:
- Ball
- Dog (pronounced DAH!)
- Duck
- Bird
- Yes
- Dadda
- Mama
- Yaya (his friend Saya)
- Up
- Down
- Done
- Food
- More
- Book
- Truck
- Car (ca)
- Banana (bana)
I'm sure there are more but I can't think of them right now.
Words Tayden can sign:
- Milk
- Water
- Food
- More
- All done
- Down
- Outside
- Want
- and our personal favorite- Please. Except the person who came up with this sign did not have toddlers in mind. It is made by moving your hand in a small circle on your chest, but Tayden likes to rub his belly. If there is anything on his hand it automatically get on his shirt. Most of the time if it's a food that will dye his clothes so he gets to eat naked.
He knows a lot more words, but he doesn't say them yet. For example, bath, bed, kitchen, couch, chair, table, fork, spoon, baby, pear, tree, beach, ocean, sand, and of course "No touch." :)