So right about now it is starting to hit me that we are moving in LESS than 2 WEEKS! We are very excited to be in a new place, with Tyler's new job, and everything else that comes with it. Recently though, I have realized how much I really am going to miss this paradise. I have always known I would miss it but i thought with the cockroaches and constant humidity it wouldn't be too hard to leave. I am going to miss living in Hawaii SO MUCH!!! We have been so blessed to live on this beautiful island. The beach is a bike ride away, we can wear shorts in December, and Tayden and I can play outside almost anytime. We get to enjoy surf competitions, the Polynesian Cultural Center, the outdoor pools, and our personal favorite, THE BEACH!
We are going to the beach all the time trying to soak in last minute sun! We are going to have to buy a sandbox in Seattle because this kid LOVES sand!!!
He saw a dog and decided to chase it :)
We went to a surf competition with our friends Cari and Roxi. We had a blast. The kids were more excited about the sand, flags, and dogs, but I saw some great surfing.
We have made so many good friends within the past 2 months that live within a few minutes of our apartment, and we really are going to miss all of them. Tyler is more excited to move because it means no more homework and a job that he will enjoy! He hasn't experienced the "Hawaiian Vacation" like Tayden and I have. So to sum up...Yay for Seattle! *sniffle* for Hawaii.
Tayden and Saya still love hangin out. (Tayden can climb up onto the couch all by himself. He is a little monkey)
Roxi (Rara) and Tayden love playing together! We are really going to miss all of our great friends.
There may not be a warm ocean in Seattle but we know there will be a bath!
"What do you mean we are moving?"
Tayden helping us shred important papers. It was his first paper snowstorm! :) He loved it!
He fell asleep in his high chair for his first time! I never thought it would happen.
Aloha from the sunny islands of Hawai'i