Thursday, May 2, 2013

Seattle isn't always rainy...

We have been way too busy playing outside to blog.  The weather in Seattle isn't half as bad as everyone says it is.  It is even supposed to be 80 this weekend!!!!!!  Life is great! Tyler is doing amazing at his job and he just got called to be the Young Men's second counselor in our ward.  They love him.   He was diagnosed with sleep apnea and his sleep machine is on it's way.  We are excited for him to get some good sleep even if it means he will turn into Darth Vader.  :)
Our precious Tayden seems older and older every day.  He says about 3 new words a day and he copies everything we say.  Our favorite phrase that he says is, "MAN DOWN!"  We say it when one of his toy trains falls off of the tracks, and he caught on and says it when anything falls.  :)

 Tayden loved helping me plant some veggies in our garden and still continues to love digging in the dirt and mud.  He loves to blow dandelions and he picks up and shows me almost every rock we walk by.

ROCK!                                              Peekaboo!

We are really doing well.  Life with this kiddo is always an adventure.