After waiting, and waiting, and waiting...Tayden finally joined our family at 8:34 AM on October 1st! He was due on Sept 25th but he decided to teach his parents some patience before he joined us. The labor went pretty well and Lauren decided epidurals are amazing!!! She had some of the most amazing nurses and it made labor that much more enjoyable. Lauren's mom was able to be here for the birth too. She actually came on September 18th but had to work on her patience also and extend her ticket back to the mainland so she could spend time with her new grandson. Tayden was a healthy 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 20 in. long. He loves to eat, sleep, poop, and make funny faces all the time. The other day Lauren got to experience her first "golden fountain." Tayden decided to start peeing while she was changing his diaper and she wasn't ready for it. Let's just went everywhere! Lauren and her mom died from laughter (it was 4am so we are thinking that played a huge part.) He is a pretty good sleeper and he only cries when he is hungry or if we are putting clothes on him. We are thinking he is going to be running around Hawaii in a diaper when he gets a little older :) We are getting used to the sleeping schedule and absolutely loving being parents. Tyler has a hard time going to class and work because he always wants to spend his time with Tayden, especially when he is awake. It is amazing to think that Tayden is ours :) We are loving life!!! Lots of Aloha from Hawaii!!! :)
TLT (Tyler, Lauren, Tayden)
Thanks for having a blog. Tayden is a beautiful baby. He's lucky to have such great parents. love, Grammie and Granddad Wills
ReplyDeletei think I would have died laughing even if it wasn't 4 :)