No matter how we swaddle him he always manages to get at least one arm out.
He is our little escape artist.
He is our little escape artist.
This picture isn't exactly fair to Tayd. Where it looks like there is no hair, there is some it's just lighter. But he is definitely losing it.
Tayden won't take a binky...we do this for fun to see if he is hungry.
Tayden helping me make Thanksgiving dinner. He just kept me company mainly :) He is sitting is his bimbo chair.
So I have been meaning to update this blog for many weeks now, but Tayden is awake more often and I would rather play with him than update this blog :) Sorry. And I have also been decorating for Christmas! Life continues to be great here on the warm island. It is actually getting a little cooler (like in the high 70's) and is starting to feel like fall. Tayden doesn't sweat as much as he used to so that's great. We even turn off the AC occasionally. It definitely does not feel like Christmas but we can tell it's getting closer.So a few weeks ago Tyler was able to go on a five day trip to California for his major. He went to Silicon Valley, Cali., with a bunch of other students with computer majors. He went to Google headquarters, met lots of people from major companies like ebay and Apple, and opened up a lot of options for his internship this summer. He had a great time and came home happy and excited about doing his internship.
Tayden continues to grow like crazy! He graduated from size 1-2 diapers to size 2 diapers on Thanksgiving day! He is getting cute rolls everywhere. He even gets lint and things stuck in his neck. We have to clean it or it starts smelling! haha He still smiles a ton! (especially as he is falling asleep and right when he wakes up). His favorite things to do are to hang out in his changing table. He kicks and wiggles constantly. We don't know why he loves it but he really does. He loves to sit in his bumbo chair (Tyler calls it his bimbo chair) and watch me make dinner and do the dishes. He is constantly looking around at all the new sights and sounds he can find. He loves it when we make funny noises and stick out our tongue. He stares intently at our mouths and sticks his little tongue out too. It's so cute. He is sleeping much better during the night. He sleeps somewhere between 5-7 hours, which is absolutely amazing! He will wake up if he has gas though, poor kid. He is definitely Tyler's child!
We had Thanksgiving dinner with some awesome friends of ours, the Quigleys and the Smarts. We had a delicious dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie, and everything else that goes with a Thanksgiving dinner. It wasn't a normal 'Idaho' Thanksgiving, but it was a great island Thanksgiving.