Tayden had his first Halloween! We weren't going to buy him a costume or dress him up but I broke down and bought the cutest pumpkin costume when I saw it at the store. Even though he only wore it for maybe 10 minutes, we think it was worth it. And now we are set for all of our other kids on their first Halloweens. :) Tayden had a doctor's appointment on Thursday where he had to get a shot. When the nurse first poked him he just made a face, but then a second later he started screaming. He forgot about the shot after a few minutes of eating. Silly kid. So he was 8 lbs. 6 oz when he was born and now he weighs 11 lbs. 11 oz!!! And he has grown almost 3 inches! The doctor said he is in the 90th percentile for both height and weight. All we know is that he is eating and sleeping tons! When he is awake he smiles a lot and is even more alert. He loves to look around and follow things. He especially loves to look at lights and a certain poster of a wave that we have on our wall.
So we decided he is looking more and more like Tyler. Some say it's because of the receding hairline (he is slowly losing his hair). Tyler says it's because they are both "short, fat, bald, and stinky." I agree :) I don't care...I love them both!!! So we have so many nicknames for Tayden already and he is only 1 month old. Some of them are:
little shark (when breastfeeding he makes the funniest noises and moves his head side to side like a shark) Tayd, stinky, Tay-shawn, Tayd-ster, Tayder Tott, and squirt.
Tyler is still busy with class and is getting ready to go on a five day trip to California to meet people from distinguished computer companies. This is so he can hopefully get an internship next summer. Tayden and I are going to continue hanging out in Hawaii together and loving it :)
Hope you all have an amazing week! We love you :)
SOOO Cute!!!!! Tayden is beyond precious. Soo so so happy for you guys.
ReplyDeleteGreat picatures, great blog. Love, Grammie and Granddad W.