His favorite way to sleep(of course, it's a muscle pose)...with his friend, the monkey.
He just can't stop giggling sometimes. It's the greatest. He is becoming much more ticklish, which we absolutely love. We can get him laughing so hard he has a hard time catching his breath. It is absolutely awesome!
Tayden is really starting to grab things and throw them around. Sometimes he can get it to his mouth if he can hold it long enough. His favorite thing to grab is my hair...not my favorite.
Tayden is really starting to grab things and throw them around. Sometimes he can get it to his mouth if he can hold it long enough. His favorite thing to grab is my hair...not my favorite.
Bubble-beard the Pirate! ARG! (He loves blowing bubbles.) He makes some of the funniest noises. He experiments all the time with his tongue and lips, which causes him to drool like crazy sometimes. He also loves to suck in his lower lip.
This is one of his favorite aunties...Aunty Maddie. She is one of my best friends here. They just moved into the apartment below us in January. She finished school in December and is waiting for her husband to finish. She goes walking with me every morning and then we usually hang out a little bit later in the day. She doesn't have a full-time job because they are expecting a baby boy in June and we are so excited for them! She is such a cute pregnant woman!
Tyler is still working hard at school. He found out that his department/the school think that he is one of the top 5 programers in the school. He was pretty excited. He has so many people come to him asking for help with homework and projects in and out of school. He also helps a lot of people with their cars when they don't work. It is nice to be married to a handy man.
For those of you that don't know, I am the primary/nursery music leader in our ward. It is fun and challenging because our primary is very young. They are mainly 3-6 years old with one 8 year old. Only three of them can read, so I have to be very creative. I am slowly figuring out what works for them and it is becoming easier. Sometimes it is just the teachers and me singing, but it works. What is even more challenging is trying to get the nursery kids to sing. We have about 15 overactive, out of control two year olds. Some of them are starting to sing the songs with me, but it's usually just me with the leaders joining me every once in a while. I'm not a huge fan of singing solos, but at least it isn't a crowd that will judge me :)
We hope you all had a Happy Valentine's Day!
Aloha, TLt
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