The first time taking Tayden to the beach after getting back was great, except he is NOT used to walking in sand. He misjudged the first time and completely face planted (below)! Except all the sand on his face didn't bother him. He was just excited to be at the beach. The water wasn't as warm as my parent's pool, but he adjusted quickly. At least it isn't as cold as California water.

Tyler just started school last Monday but he is ready for this semester to be over! He is ready for graduation in December! He hasn't had much homework yet, but he has been really busy fixing 10 computers. He is everyone's go-to man when it comes to computers (and cars, and construction...pretty much the go-to guy for everything). He is in contact with a couple companies to try and get a job. So far he has two job offers in Boise, but he is talking to a couple of companies in Seattle, including Boeing and Nintendo. Seattle is sounding promising but nothing concrete yet.
I continue to chase Tayden everywhere and I am loving it! It is so fun now that he walking. We go all over and he is my little shadow. He is starting to be able to play with blocks and legos and I love it.
This summer was amazing but dealing with the time changes was not fun.
Here are my two tired boys :)
Tayden loves making faces in his bed.

We have done a good job with keeping Tayden away from certain things, but he managed to find the toilet paper the other day and he loved it. He has already found the toilet but we are doing a much better job keeping him out of the bathroom completely!
Today Tayden and I went on an adventure to the Polynesian Cultural Center. He loved people watching, wandering around on the paths, and watching the Tongan drummers. He loved it so we now have another fun activity to add to our list! ( He also loved the signs and the rocks :)

He was completely mesmerized watching the Tongan drummers. He clapped along with the Tongan girl when they did the clapping dance. He loved it!
There was an 11 year old boy working in the Fijian village and he was so cute! Tayden wanted to play with his fan but when I went to take the picture he ran away from him. Maybe next time. He still takes a little bit to warm up to people still. He has pretty much warmed up to our friends here that we see all of the time, which is so nice, but it might take awhile before he is friendly with strangers.
Because we do not have a dishwasher Tayden had to find something else to climb into. He pulled out the drawer by himself and jumped right in there with the jar of honey he stole from me. Such a goof. Good thing I emptied it earlier today :)
Hope you enjoy :)
Love your posts!!!!! Taydem is such a cute little guy. And he does have awsome parents.