Thursday, April 11, 2013

We had a visitor!

Our house became a bit more manly and smelly last week because of a certain visitor...McCall!!! McCall is Tyler's brother and we love him. He is a crazy senior in high school and we feel so special because for his Spring break he visited us!  I think we can say that Tayden has a new favorite uncle. Mainly because three of them are away on missions and out of those three two haven't met Tayden.  I would tell him that he better step up his game soon but he won't read this, so anyone that knows McCall tell him he better pick it up because the competition is coming soon.  ;)
 Tayden was so happy when he woke up and McCall was there. Instant friends! They read lots of books (we read about 20-30 books a day).

We took McCall to the aquarium where we touched slimy starfish and anemones. 
 We found an octopus!
 We saw lots of fish and learned about orca whales.  

 Our favorite animals were the otters, but they are fast and we didn't get a good picture of them.  

We took McCall to Pike Place Market.  His favorite part was the birdman.  The man trained his bird to do all sorts of tricks.  You could shoot the bird and it would 'die.' 

We had a great time with McCall here.  This week has been quiet in comparison. 
 Life is still great and wonderful.