Sunday, October 30, 2011
What a month!
So apparently I just didn't get enough of the hospital when I had Tayden because last week I had to go back. Instead of having a baby removed from my body, I had my appendix taken out. On Thursday October 20th, I started having stomach pain but I thought it was just something I had eaten. I woke up the next day and the pain had gotten much, much worse. I asked my friend that is a nurse what she thought. Because the pain was in the lower right abdomen and I had just had a baby three weeks ago she said I should go to the hospital. Tyler skipped his classes and we headed to the local hospital here in Kahuku. They did some tests and sent us down to another hospital where Tayd was born. After more tests they decided my appendix was inflamed and it would need to be removed. It was about 2 in the afternoon, but the surgeon wouldn't be available until 9 pm. Luckily my surgery was moved up to 5:30. While they were in removing my appendix it burst! Good thing they didn't wait until 9! The surgery went well and I had to stay in the hospital overnight. Our amazing friends, the Smarts, watched Tayden for us overnight while we were in the hospital, which made us want to be released the next day even more. We did not like being away from our three week old cutie. Luckily they released me and we were able to go home and be a family again. Over the next week we found out we have some amazing friends. Women from the ward brought us dinner for an entire week. Some friends even helped me with holding Tayden and moving him around the apartment. I couldn't believe all of the little things that I had trouble doing, like sitting, standing, and laying down. But we are sooooo happy to announce that I am doing much better! I can do pretty much everything now. My stomach is mainly sensitive to touch. Enough about me...because I know everyone just wants an update on Tayden :)
He continues to grow fast! He will be a month old on tuesday!!! We can't believe the time has gone by so fast! Our favorite times are when he smiles randomly and makes little noises. He continues to sleep quite a bit and make lots of dirty diapers. Tyler even got to experience his first "golden fountain." The other day Tayden accidentally picked his nose. While his arms were flailing around one of his fingers found a nostril. He did not like that and I had to help him get it out. It was hilarious. :) Tayden has his first bath yesterday and he actually liked it. We love the baby smell he has right after a bath. He is such a fun little guy and we are really loving being parents!
Tyler continues to be extremely busy. He just had mid-terms so maybe things will slow down a little bit, but I doubt it. He loves his computer classes but isn't a big fan of his history class. His executive secretary calling keeps him busy too. He is such an amazing dad and you can see how proud he is of his little son. We think that Tayden is looking more like Tyler everyday, except for the eyes, which we think he got from me.
Hope everything is great with all of you! Love from the land of Aloha,
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