Saturday, January 5, 2013

First snow experience!

Tayden had his first snow experience!!!  He was a little confused at first.  All he knows is sand. 
He started out great...
 and then he hated it! Too cold, too many layers...give us a beach!

Christmas morning:

He got a ball that he wouldn't let anyone else touch, and amazing cars that move on their own!

Homemade latch board from McCall. 

Tayden is loving the cats and dog.  He gives them kisses and then grabs their tails...good times. 

He gets lots of cousin time :)  (if you want to see the pictures bigger click on one and then you can scroll right and left)




 Hope you feel a little more caught up on our life.  Tayden and I fly to Seattle on Tuesday so we will be joining Tyler at our new place!!! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. He looks so much bigger already!!! And I just love that picture of him hating the snow. Best upset face ever.
