Friday, March 2, 2012

First trip to the zoo

Tayden and I went to the zoo for his first time yesterday.  On the way down I bought this jogging stroller off of craigslist for cheap but it is great!  He absolutely loved it and I did too! He can sit up and see everything that is going on.  He loved the zoo, even though it was more just like an exciting walk.  He watched the monkeys for a little bit and started making noises. 

Giraffes! Wahoo!
We have a 5 month old! Ahhh! We can't believe how fast life has flown by since our little Tater Tot was born! He continues to become more giggly and smiley (which we didn't think possible) and more ticklish (which we absolutely love!).  His new thing that cracks us up is that when he smiles he either sticks his tongue out or he makes a clicking noise with it.  We don't know where he got it from, but we love it.

He loves to grab at everything he can get his hands on, which is a lot more than it used to be.  Now he spins and scoots around so his reach has increased.  He hasn't gotten his hands on anything dangerous yet so don't worry. This morning I turned my head for ten seconds and turned back to find him attempting to eat my shoe.   Sometimes it feels like we have a dog, a really cute, giggly puppy.

So obviously he has started to explore a lot more with his hands lately, especially while I'm feeding him.  He plays with my lips, nose, shirt, and anything he can get his hands on.  We have started feeding him rice cereal and baby oatmeal, which is exciting.  At first he hated it and would make faces, but he now lunges for/attacks the spoon before we have anything on it.  This is one hungry kid! No matter how much we try to keep him semi-clean while he is eating, it ends up everywhere! Luckily we live in a warm place and he can be naked while eating, at least until we get better at it. Even though it is all over him by the end, it means less laundry and less clean up for me.   When he is finished he starts blowing bubbles with the food and spitting it everywhere (we found that out really quickly).

He loves to sleep on his stomach and his side.  We will usually put him down on his stomach and he rolls over and falls asleep.  He usually drools a little bit too while he is sleeping, which is kind of cute.

Well, Tayden is still super cute, Tyler is super busy, and I am just loving life.  Have a great March!

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